This Week-end is rich in markets and fairs of all kinds, the reason is obvious. Namely, the approaching of Christmas. We have tried to figure out for you what are the best and unmissable, those that you definitely would like to attend.
To open this list we advise you to visit the Scandinavian market “Made in Scandinavia”, this fair is small but, as we believe, will impress you by its cute and sophisticated Nordic gifts, cozy atmosphere, and music performances in the evening.
Will be held on the 14 of December in Cafe Gauguin near “Artplay” Нижняя Сыромятническая ул., дом 10
More info :
The second festival market we would like to mention is the market “Let it Snow”. Originally organized by the luxurious Veter Magazine. This event will offer a Christmas tree bazaar, a market, a street food court, music, photo zones and many more. More info :
The event will be in the “Museum of Moscow” on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 December.
The third option is to go to “Lambada Market”.
There will be more than 170 stores with clothes, accessories and utensils, a large food court and a lot of music.
The event will be open for the whole weekend.
Рочдельская ул., 15 строение 24, Москва,
Festival of Santa Clauses, VDNKH
Moscow is already transformed into a fairy tale Christmas city and this Saturday is the beginning of the festivities that will last until the end of winter holidays. Many actors will ensure the entertainment of Moscow citizens, for instance at VDNH, this weekend there will be a festival of Santa Clauses and Father Frost (the Russian analog).
This place is a good destination and it’s often mentioned in our tops because of its scale and diversity.
Stil on VDNKH this weekend there will be the traditional annual exhibition “The best jewelry of Russia”.
Yuna-Fest charity festival for Pet.
The last event we would like to talk about is less about Christmas and more about charity in general. On December 15, the Yuna Animal Rehabilitation Center invites all those who are ready to make a new friend to the Yuna-Fest charity festival. The organization will display 120 animals that are all vaccinated and in good health. Every intendant will be able to adopt a pet. This event will be held in the art quarter “Winzavod”.
More info :